Thursday 7 March 2013

The Analysis of Dale Carnegie

Everyone living in this world has their own need. Some person striving for power, some strive for money, some other strive for intimacy relationship. Alfred Adler once said every one of us is strives for superiority in our life.
Most of us ever heard about Dale Carnegie. Dale Carnegie was a famous writer, lecturer, which sophisticated in self-improvement, public speaking, interpersonal and communication skill. Dale Carnegie was born in Maryville, Missouri, the second child of James William Carnagey. (Wikipedia, 2012). Carnegie is a hardworking person. He needs to get up at every morning, to milk his parents’ cows when he was a young teen.
Carnegie attended the local State Teachers College in Warrensburg, after graduating from high school in 1906. This is not easy for him, he riding on horseback from home to school just because of his family unable to afford the accommodation fee which cost $1 per day.
Even though he was born in a poor family, but it never stops him to strive for his dream, a Chautauqua lecturer, thus, he left the position of nation sale leader in Armour & Company with his $500 saving.
Carnegie is an indomitable, persistent person. Despite he is not success initially, but the failure never is an obstacle for him, rather motivated him to be success in later life. He was nearly broke during the time he living at the YMCA on 125th Street. He starts teaching the public speaking night class when he realized his own talent and strength.
In 1913, he found his popular and famous institute, the ‘Dale Carnegie Institute’. His famous book, “How to win friends and influence people”, became the bestseller over decades. Carnegie is a well- planned, organized and goal orientated person.

p/s: A new book "Analysis of the Beautiful Mind" is going to be published soon, stay turn!

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Saturday 21 July 2012


Sometime we wonder why we doing this, and why we doing that, what is the reason to motivated our behaviour. Motivation is literally the desire to do thing, it explain why people doing the thing they want to do. Therefore we may say motivation is the process that elicits, control, and sustains certain behaviours. (Wikipedia, 2010)

Internal Motives defines as the sources of motivation from a person, which included the needs, cognitive and emotion. Needs are the conditions within the individual that are essential and necessary for the maintenance of life and for the nurturance of growth and well-being. There are 3 types of human needs in motivation, which is the physiological needs, psychological needs and social needs.

p/s: A new book "Analysis of the Beautiful Mind" is going to published soon, stay turn!

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Thursday 12 July 2012

Anxiety Disorder

In our lifetime, we may have facing some psychological issue of anxiety or fear. Student may feel fear or anxiety for the coming exam. Woman may feel fear of rat or cockroach. Do remember what is the feeling before the time we are going to have speaking or do presentation in front of public? Most of us will feel fear of public speaking on stage.  I had a bad experience of an accident, which caused me afraid to ride on motorcycle after the incident. When we experience fear and anxiety, our breathing frequency will increase, the muscular will tension and perspiration. Fight or flight is one of the spontaneous responses to the treat.

Approximately 25% to 30% of the population affected from the anxiety disorder. Women are more likely to developed panic disorder, and most of them develop during early adulthood. Most of them also suffer from depression as a result of severe symptoms and continuing fear and apprehension. Researches shown most of  the patient have biases or abnormalities in their cognitive processing. 

Here are several symptoms for common anxiety disorder, most of the time, the person will feel Worry or fear that something bad will happen to them. They may feel trembling, twitching or feeling shaky. muscle tension or jitteriness, muscle tension or jitteriness, they also feeling dizzy or lightheaded - faintness, Fast heartbeat or breathing rate. The person who has anxiety disorder will become irritability, impatience, also easily distracted.

p/s: A new book "Analysis of the Beautiful Mind" is going to published soon, stay turn!

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Sigmund Freud's idea of anxiety

The psychoanalytic perspective of anxiety disorder

Sigmund Freud's ideas is, we are born with aggressive and sexual instinct, and Freud suggested the structure of personality included the Id, Ego, and Superego. Human personality emerges due to the conflict between our aggressive and pleasure seeking biological impulses (represented by the id) and the internalized social restraints (which represented by the superego) to against the impulses.

Psychoanalytic theory emphasized the childhood experience may influence our unconscious. Sigmund Freud believed that all children experience some degree of anxiety as part of growing up, and all use ego defense mechanism to help control such anxiety. 

Freud believed, we feel anxiety is because the threaten come from one or more object or situation, may cause us external danger or expected injury, and today, we call this kind of fear is Phobia. For example some people afraid of sneak, they will feel anxiety when see sneak is around them.

Secondly, Freud also suggested, anxiety occurs when unconscious sexual or aggressive tendencies conflict with physical or moral limitations. Freud called this the moral anxiety, means the threat is not from the outer, physical world, but rather from the internalized social world of the superego.  For example, we are feeling shame, guilt and the fear of being punishment.

The third cause of anxiety is, when we will afraid that we lose of control, lose of temper or rationality. Freud named this the neurotic anxiety is, means the fear of being overwhelmed by impulses from the id.

p/s: A new book "Analysis of the Beautiful Mind" is going to published soon, stay turn!

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Tuesday 10 July 2012

The analysis of Adolf Hitler's personality

Everyone living in this world is different, every one of us has our own unique personality and characters. That’s how we differentiate ourselves from others. Some persons are smart, some are not, some persons are optimistic, and some persons are pessimistic.  Hundred years ago, psychologists and scientists started to do research and study human personality, how humans behave the way that differs from others.

From hundred years until contemporary psychology, there are diverse perspectives of psychology to developed personality theory respectively, for example, Psychoanalysis theory, Behaviorism theory, Humanistic theory, and etc. 

Here, I would like to analyze the personality of one of the famous people in the world, Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler is one of the notable people that have a very unique personality. Adolf Hitler is a politician and the leader of the Nazi Party, also chancellor of Germany, people always comment that he is a person who cruels, inhuman, and insatiable greed for power. He promoted Pan-Germanism, anti-Semitism, and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda. He becomes a dictator from 1934 to 1945, during World War II, and led to eleven million peoples been killed, and six million of them are Jews. He committed suicide with his wife Eva Braun on 30th April 1945.

Adolf Hitler was born on 20th April 1889, a small town of Braunau-am-Inn, Austria.  Adolf Hitler’s father, Alois Hitler was an Austrian customs official. Adolf Hitler’s mother Klara Polzl had six children, but only Adolf Hilter and his Sister survive. (Giblin, 2002)

Hitler was a smart and loving child in primary school. The death of his younger brother, Edmund, from measles on 2nd February 1900 deeply affected him. He changed from being confident and outgoing and an excellent student, to a morose, detached, and sullen boy who constantly fought with his father and teachers. (Payne, 1990)

Adolf Hitler’s youth age has been controlled by his extremely strong-well father until his father died in 1903. Adolf Hitler's ambition is to be a famous artist, he loves painting, but never succeed in school, and finally left formal education in 1905, the time he is only 16 years old. Hitler applied to the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna but failed several times. (Encyclopedia of World Biography)

During World War I, Adolf Hitler volunteered to serve in the Bavarian Army as an Austrian. In 1918, he was temporarily blind by a mustard gas attack. After World War I, he returned to Munich, and joined the German Workers' Party, the predecessor of the Nazi Party. In the year oh 1923, Adolf Hitler attempted an unsuccessful armed uprising in Munich and was imprisoned for nine months, during that period, he wrote his autobiography book, “Mein Kampf”. The Nazi party become stronger after he released, and he becomes the Chancellor of   German in the year of 1933. Adolf Hitler initialed World War II, millions of peoples been killed by him included Jews, Slaves, Black, physical and mentally ill persons, and a gay man.

Theories apply to Hitler’s personality

From the psychoanalytic perspective, Adolf Hitler’s personality shaped during his childhood period. Freud’s notion about the psychosexual stages is, our personality develops through various stages during childhood. We will develop a healthy personality if all these psychosexual stages are completed successfully. But some people may not complete certain stages properly during childhood, thus fixation may occur. Hitler had a hard time when he was a kid, he loses his brother, which caused him to change from a happy smart kid to a morose, detached, and sullen boy. He loved his mother so much but not his father. According to Freud, a boy experience the Oedipus complex during the phallic stage. Hitler may go through the Oedipus complex when he was a kid. He may have developed a sexual attraction to his mother and jealousy toward his father. Perhaps the underlying cause that he always against his father’s will and he simply revolt any idea from his father, or in another word the unresolved son-father competition. Hitler’s sexual orientation is unknown even though he had several girlfriends and married Eva Braun. Rumors said he is homosexual, some others just argued that he is heterosexual. According to psychoanalytic theory, obsessions and compulsions reflect maladaptive responses to unresolved conflicts from the early stages of psychological development. Hitler was developed insecurity feeling since he was a kid, his unstable feeling and thought caused him easy to fear and feel anxious. His “Racial hygiene” program ideas reflect he has obsessions and compulsions to torture and killing others.

Alfred Adler’s psychoanalytic theory is, people have the feeling of insecurity and inferiority, they need to strive for success in their life. Just like Hitler, the driving force behind his thought, emotion, and behavior is the struggle of striving for superiority. Adolf Hitler’s young age is not easy, his inferiority and insecurity feeling caused him to fall into misery. Regardless of human ethics and morals, Adolf Hitler was an ambitious person. At a young age, he dreamed to be an artist. Hitler work hard to strive for the success in life, he spends time to learn how to draw painting, he takes a long journey from a small town come to Vienna, leaving his mother just to achieve his dream. Even though he not selected from the art academy, but he never gives up his dream, he never stops to draw, rather he still keeps on learning to paint. During World War I, he wished he is a successful soldier, he never gave up even though German had surrendered.  Eventually, he became the successful dictator of Nazi Germany.   

From the biopsychology perspective, Adolf Hitler’s temperament and personality inherited from his father. Both of them are a rigid, stubborn, grumpy, and hostile person.  Their relationship getting worst when both of them persist in their own will.

From the big five personality perspective, Adolf Hitler is a Neuroticism person, he was the person that often experiences emotional instability, and many of them are negative emotions, like sadness, anxiety, irritability, and anger.  From his book the “Mein Kampf”, when he described how being despised, betrayed by Jews, we can see he was a neurotic, paranoid person. From his book, he interpreted the ordinary situation as threatening, and the minor frustrations as hopelessly difficult. He can’t make a rational judgment on what is right and wrong, conversely bias, prejudice. Perhaps this the main reason that how he became extremely anti-Semitism.

Karen Horney is one of the Neo-Freudian psychologists. She studied how neurotic personality person and their relationship with others. Horney’s idea is a neurotic personality person is maladaptive and counterproductive in the way they deal with relationships. Hitler was trapped in a self-defeating interpersonal style, he always blames others for his failure in life. He develops this personality probably is the result of his childhood anxiety.

Hitler’s behavior more likely moving against people, he always projects his own feeling by being hostile to others, since small, he hostile to his father, teachers, and friends. When he glowed old, he hostile to Jews, he is selfish and cruel, to hurts and kills others with an irrational reason.

Most of the people know who Adolf Hitler is. Adolf Hitler’s cruel, inhuman behavior is unforgettable. He evokes our sad feeling about World War II, millions of people died because of this dictator, the chancellor of German. Adolf Hitler’s life has never been easy, he was abused by his father since he was a kid, his mother unable to protect him, even though she loves him so much. Hitler’s childhood determines his later life. Perhaps he can be a good Chancellor of German, and World War II will never happen if his childhood is healthy.

Hitler’s life has too many negative issues, but undisclosed in his book, “Meain Kamps”, he glowed up with an abused father, and he hates his father so much. Adolf Hitler is a neurotic personality person, he developed a lot of psychological issues in his life. His insecurity and anxiety feeling developed since was a kid, and underlying the causes of his obsessive thought and compulsive behavior. Although his sexual orientation and abnormal sexual behavior is just rumors and no evidence to prove, we can see his sex life is not healthy.

We have no idea why Hitler hates Jews so much and becomes an extreme anti-semitic, but the underlying cause probable is he was trapped in a self-defeating interpersonal style. He always blames others for his failure in life. The social culture became the factor in his psychological issues as well.

Every one of us is different, that’s so many factors determine how our personality shaped, we inherited our parent’s gens, we may inherit some personality traits from them too. The environment also one of the main factors that how our personality shaped. Most of the healthy personality people glowed from a healthy environment and have a happy childhood. 

1. Robert Payne. (1990) The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler. New York: Dorset Press
2. James Cross Giblin. (2002). The life and death of Adolf Hitler. New York. USA: Houghton Mifflin  Harcourt
 3. Encyclopedia of World Biography.(2012) Adolf Hitler Biography. Retrieved on 22nd June 2012 From:
4. Adolf Hitler. (1941). Mein Kampf. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock. 

p/s: A new book "Analysis of the Beautiful Mind" is going to published soon, stay turn!

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Sunday 1 July 2012

Psychiatrist or Psychologist?

What’s the different between psychiatrist and psychologist? The main different between the two is A psychiatrist may also perform psychotherapy; but, in addition, can prescribe medications and perform ETC. Psychologist primarily aids the depressed patient by counseling and psychotherapy.

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About Psychology

Here, will discuss all about psychology and how we apply psychology in our daily life. what is psychology? Psychology is a systematic study of human behavior and human mind.
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